
Restless | Adelaide, 2012


Adelaide International 2012

Curated by: Victoria Lynn

Project Participation: The Globalising Wall

AdelaideAustralia, 2012

This second Adelaide International exhibition, Restless, curated by Victoria Lynn for the 2012 Adelaide Festival includes the work of eighteen artists and features the five works that will premiere in Adelaide. Ten of the eighteen artists will exhibit work at the Samstag Museum.

The exhibition explores the restlessness of our times. The artists seek out threshold experiences and create works that convey an ongoing transition from one condition to another.

By exploring physical force fields, or by negotiating complex cultural sites, the artists create the sensation of being catapulted into the spaces between the extremities of the living ‘heavens’ and ‘hells’ in our contemporary era.

As a collaborator in this major international project, the Samstag Museum is proud to present the remarkable art of: Francis Alÿs (Belgium/Mexico), N.S. Harsha (India), Annika Larsson (Sweden)/ Augustin Maurs (France), Saskia Olde Wolbers (Netherlands/United Kingdom), Lisa Reihana (New Zealand), Anri Sala (Albania/Germany), Socratis Socratous (Cyprus), Nancy Spero (United States of America) and Danae Stratou (Greece)

Excerpt from the exhibitions announcement at the official Website of the Samstag Museum