An Installation and performance in collaboration with choreographer Ioanna Parrali – Landscape Dance Company. Technopolis, Athens, Greece. (October 29th- November 2nd 2008).
From different points of departure, two Greek authors leave to common destination and deliver the result of their creative cooperation with the form visual art performance. Locating jointly in the operation of breathing, the choreographer Ioanna Parali and the visual artist Danae Stratou, they invite the spectator to experience a figurative-descriptive action with a sensual way.
In Inhale, the two authors, attempt a approach where the figurative environment of one becomes the place of action of other. With the synergy, of the performer Markella Manoliadis and a team of collaborators that have placed self in the service of concretisation of the project, Parali and Stratou, explore the limits in the relation that develops the person with the environment with basic filter the action of breathing.
The human body here, functions as institution of an organic space, in which acts, restructuring it and giving it a different meaning. Thus, the movement, denuded by the sophistication of skilful dance, is changed in a starting line for a new reading of the figurative material.