This work was originally installed and shown at an old warehouse in Athens, near the docks. This is a very interesting, industrial area, which is a natural junction between the city and the sea. Both the installations Breathe and Water Section develop a dialectic relationship with the space. The one space prepares you to enter into the next one, though they are very opposite in nature. The space ofBreathe is a warm, dark, esoteric environment. This space was deliberately left untouched, old, as it was, in total antithesis of the space of Water Section, which was totally transformed into a white, bright and austere space.
In Water Section, flowing water was arrested and made to look static, almost like glass, reflecting the surrounding space, and in Breathe inanimate earth was energized and given movement. The sound was created especially for these two environments. In Water Section, the sensation of motion, currant and flow is provided by the liquid, metallic sounds that compel the viewer to walk along the line of water and enter the rhythm of motion and direction of it’s straight line-a line of water which dissects the space along its length. On the one hand the space is cut in two but on the other hand the water channel serves as a conceptual link connecting the outside to the inside space, a continuous thread from sea to city, water to land.